Thursday, February 14, 2008

It's Too Darn Hot

Yes, you read that correctly. I'm complaining about heat during a relatively long cold snap in Chicago. Here is why: It is 80 degrees in my bedroom despite the fact that I have had my window cracked since 3pm this afternoon. We also have windows cracked in the living room and Eva's room. I'm sure that if we opened them all the way we would have a nice refrigerator since it is going to drop 20 degrees tonight but some kind of happy medium would be nice! I hate not having control over our heating system. At first I thought I was annoyed just because I'm a control freak. Now I'm annoyed because it is interfering with my sleep! Isn't room temp around 72 degrees? That is a nice temperature to fall asleep in. Not 80 degrees.

Recently I was talking to a friend during some icebreakers on retreat and we were told to discuss what we like to do when the weather outside gets extremely cold. His answer was he likes to open his window all the way and then curl up under his covers to read a book. I thought he was a little insane but I think I can understand his sentiment now! He must have building controlled heat-radiating floors. Thermostats were invented for a reason, people! I'd even like to go back to the silly condo thermostat that used the guage "hotter" and "cooler" instead of real temperature settings.

I feel better now having vented my frustration over super warm apartments. It is kind of ironic since at the beginning of the winter I was freezing in my room all the time and had to wear several layers to bed. That was just a fluke, apparently. They prefer roasted tenants rather than frozen tenants in my building.

Oh yeah, and it would be nice to have the other six dryers in the laundry working, seeing as we have 22 floors worth of people doing laundry and only 4 semi-functional dryers!

Okay, now I really feel better. Despite the tone of this post, I really did have an okay day. I went to my new yoga class which went a lot better than last week - my body is slowly remembering how to deal with all those muscles it's not accustomed to using.

Hopefully the yoga will counteract the temperature problem in my apartment. I'm off to try to sleep!

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