Friday, November 25, 2005

Happy Belated Thanksgiving!

I have a lot to be thankful for this year. The biggest thing is that my dad is visiting for the holiday and it has been really wonderful. I love having people visit me from home because it reminds me that there is more to life than school, which I am apt to forget quite frequently.

It is really nice to be done with classes for a few days. I only have theater classes meeting next week and then the following week, finals week, I have one paper and one exam so I've lucked out with that this quarter. It's nice when the most intense and difficult quarters end so smoothly and easily. Please don't hate me for it, other NU people, I have had my share of horrible reading and finals weeks...

Anyways, next week we hope to have another meeting of Spectrum to revise and finalize our constitution! I worked on it for many hours last weekend, trying to get the wording right and make it so this group will succeed where others haven't. It's really hard for me to slow down the process though but it is inevitable. I wanted to have an executive board and a plan for projects done by the end of this quarter but I would only be able to accomplish that if I was a dictator and hand picked everything myself. Now, I would very much like to do that because it means putting my friends in the positions I want to and picking shows I want to direct or work with but that would defeat the whole purpose of the group in many ways. So I'm resigned to waiting until next quarter to do those things so that next week we can really make the constitution viable and agreeable to the group. I think it will make things work better in the future.

Last thing for tonight, it snowed! I know it has snowed already but it doesn't count because it didn't really stick. This time it started as my dad and I were leaving the movie theater (where we saw Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire!!!) and less than an hour later, the whole world out my window (on the 16th floor...) was white and beautiful!! So this counts as the first sticking snow. My dad went out and said it was only about a half inch but you really can't tell from this far up. It just looks beautiful. And peaceful. I love snow.


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