Sunday, February 06, 2005


So its been a REALLY long day and I'm ready to go to bed. But I felt like I should do something productive before going to bed. As I don't feel like reading any more theater or doing any SM stuff for She Loves Me at the moment, its down to writing in my blog and reading religion stuff. Maybe I'll research classes for next quarter too, who knows.

So its been a long day because I've been fulfilling my duties as an ALD, aka Assistant Lighting Designer, by helping write light cues all day. As fun as that sounds, its really not fun at all. For the first five hours I sat next to the LD with my laptop and put information in a spreadsheet when she remembered to pay attention to me and tell me what to write. Then this evening I sat, stood, and walked around on stage so she could see what the lights were doing. i was productive somewhat and read the rest of Seagull and half of The Cherry Orchard. Only two and a half Chekov plays to go before Acting class on Monday! Woot!

But we did not finish everything tonight. In fact, the other ALD and I will be back at the theater in a very short time, tomorrow at 9am, to finsih doing focus. Then the other ALD is taking the afternoon shift of Tech and I will be back at 7pm until the week hours of the morning, most likely.

I really should do something besides got to sleep.

But I'm tired dammit!

I wish, for your sake, that this was a more stimulating and interesting post. But its all I've got at the moment. Maybe I'll have time to think about something other than how much I don't want to be a lighting designer sometime next week.



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