Tuesday, July 12, 2005

new office, new boredom

I miss the LOW office. Hanging out with theater people all day and doing theater things is so much more fulfilling for me even though the stuff I did today at BEHIV might be more meaningful. Today was a pretty long day at the BEHIV office. My first project is to call pretty much every theater in Chicago and ask if they will donate tickets for our clients so these people can see shows they otherwise would not be able to afford and, in addition, get out in the community so they don't become isolated, as so many with HIV/AIDS do. So I was actually able to get promises for a lot of free tickets which is wonderful! But I basically was just surfing the internet all day, updating their theater database, and make many dead end phone calls. I just have to keep in mind all those people who will get to experience the joy of theater because of the work I did today. But that's hard when you feel so drowsy you just want to collapse.

If I'm not too tired after the P of P Sing-a-Long rehearsal, maybe I'll add more to this post. Until then, have a good evening.


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