Saturday, August 27, 2005

two kinda "scary" things to share

So i was just putzing around tonight online and I decided it would be fun to see what work-study jobs are available on campus this fall. Now why I decided to do this since I love my job at the TIC scene shop is still unknown to me. But I did and I found a job in the religion department which got me really "geeked up" and I actually wrote the professor about it! It's a research aide job (something I vaguely recall never wanting to do again) for the professor who is actually my prof for the comparative religion class I'm taking in the fall, Feminism and Fertility. The other three profs I've worked for were in departments that did not relate at all to my majors (although I thought the neuroscience one would be great since I love neuroscience but it was awful) so I can rectify considering this since it is the religion department. But still, why am I even considering another job, especially one that will require me to spend time at the library searching for books and making photocopies!

Here is my theory and my second "scary" confession. I love research. I can't get enough of it. I was looking through some of my old papers in case this professor wants to see some of my writing and I got all jittery at the thought of getting to write some more 11 page research papers this fall! I love reading and I love research and the prospect of working with a professor is great. The other thing is that the job posting said "finding AND evaluating articles and books." The evaluating part is something none of my other profs i worked for even asked me to consider doing. I was just a fetch and carry girl to them.

So, I'm not quitting my scene shop job because it would break my heart and I love building things too much. However, I was having trouble figuring out where in my schedule to fit in the shop hours (since that job requires chunks of time during specific hours) anyways so it would actually help to be able to cut back on those to about 6 hours a week and fill in the rest with a second job. Research aide jobs are usually much more flexible since the library is open many hours and you usually just have to check in for an hour or two a week with the professor to update him or her on research and be told what they need. So I think I really would like to take this on if its not going to be too many hours.

Give me advice, people, because I am worried that my geekiness about research and religion is blinding me into doing something stupid again. I will add, however, that I did drop my fifth class (Arabic) officially now just because of the work problem and so I could take Pysch so my class schedule is lighter. The not SMing thing will also make things easier. But am I being silly in wanting to do this? HELP!

You know I blame this dilemma on all the wonderful mentors and teachers I've had for my writing throughout the years (Mr. Whiteside, Jacob, Mom and Dad (well, teachers more than writers...), Mr. Joyce, etc). That "Research Opportunity of a Lifetime" assignment Mr. Whiteside gave us in 11th grade was just the beginning of a long journey into research wonderland.

Argh, so many choices, so little time!

Night, y'all. May your future look less confusing than mine. Amen.


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